Author Archive: WXCI Staff

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Albums for the Apocalypse #3: Mount Eerie’s ‘Dawn’

March 22, 2020 | By
Albums for the Apocalypse #3: Mount Eerie’s ‘Dawn’

It’s certain that at this point of areas around the world legally mandating stay-at-home orders, that people are starting to feel a bit lonely being unable to go out. Surely we can venture to grocery stores and get the essentials, but socializing isn’t the easiest to do in a long line of mask-bearing lunatics willing […]

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Albums for the Apocalypse #1: Kendrick Lamar’s ‘To Pimp a Butterfly’

March 22, 2020 | By
Albums for the Apocalypse #1: Kendrick Lamar’s ‘To Pimp a Butterfly’

As many- ideally all- of you are practicing social distancing and self-imposedly bound to your own homes, it’s likely that you’re beginning to get bored. Bored of watching the same TV shows, eating the same meals, having the same conversations with the other residents of your home and most annoyingly bored of listening to the […]

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