CHANGE OF VENUE: Commencement 2014
(Danbury, CT – Nov. 21, 2013 / WXCI Radio News Service) — The location for the WCSU Commencement Ceremony on May 11, 2013, has been adjusted, according to WCSU officials, in an announcement made to students, staff and faculty today.
Because the Westside Athletic Complex (WAC) will be undergoing refurbishing during that time, the ceremonies will be held on the grass area next to the student gravel parking lot on the Westside Campus. These ceremonies were held in this exact area for many years before they were moved into the WAC.
Additionally, the grass location is large enough to accommodate everyone who normally attends Commencement, thus no seat tickets will have to be issued.
This announcement was made today by Dr. Keith Betts, vice president of Student Affairs at WCSU and by Paul Steinmetz, interim associate vice president of Institutional Advancement.
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