New Music
Hear most of the new songs added to heavy & medium rotation with this Spotify playlist:
WXCI New Music Monthly
Save your faves! Songs replaced at the end of every month.
WXCI’s Winter 2020/21 Listener Survey Is Here!
It’s a plain fact that WXCI is nothing without our loyal base of listeners who stick with us through thick and thin. Especially over the past year, in which we’ve had to jump through many hoops to make sure the station runs through these unprecedented times, our listeners have provided us with much needed support. […]
New songs added to heavy rotation! (Holidays 2020)
A playlist of what songs get added to heavy rotation is available on Spotify here: WXCI New Music Monthly* updated at the end of every month, so save your faves! * This is our HOLIDAYS post of 2020 to show what new songs we are digging and adding to heavy rotation. Each song has a […]
WXCI AFTER HOURS TOP 20 (Week of 12/1/2020)
AFTER HOURS spins the louder side of WXCI. Hear new and classic metal, loud rock, and alternative — every night at 10PM after specialty shows. Follow the WXCI After Hours playlist to hear our Top 20! (Updated monthly) Visit for a complete list of our adds, web streams, and more! WXCI AFTER HOURS TOP […]
WXCI AFTER HOURS TOP 20 (Week of 11/15/2020)
AFTER HOURS spins the louder side of WXCI. Hear new and classic metal, loud rock, and alternative — every night at 10PM after specialty shows. Follow the WXCI After Hours playlist to hear our Top 20! (Updated monthly) Visit for a complete list of our adds, web streams, and more! WXCI AFTER HOURS TOP […]
New songs added to heavy rotation! (2020, part 10)
A playlist of what songs get added to heavy rotation is available on Spotify here: WXCI New Music Monthly* updated at the end of every month, so save your faves! * This is our TENTH monthly post of 2020 to show what new songs we are digging and adding to heavy rotation. Each song has […]
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